Lumpen Orientalism gathers the fragments of a lost civilization, the decaying parts of a breathing animal _ the Middle East. Named after a term suggested by China Miéville, Lumpen Orientalism captures an anomalous fascination with the Middle East and Asia in a similar way to the mongrel visions of Gilles Deleuze, H. P. Lovecraft, Gaëtan Clérambault and William Beckford in order to tackle this enigmatic monstrosity.
You have the most interesting unusual amazing photographs I've ever seen on your strangely minimal blog. I'm very interested in every single one of the images. I wish you would break your silence and add locations and possibly even a few details about these images. I have truly never seen any of these places...
I’ve just checked your photo blog and it is fantastic… thank you for your kind words on LO, given your background in photography your comments are a really big compliment. Most of the photographs on the blog are taken in various locations within Iran. However, some of the photos are from South-East Asia. For the most part I don't add the location because I think the content is more exciting if you just look at it for what it is and not specifically where it is located. More posts on LO soon. BTW do you have any interest in featuring some of LO’s photos on your blog?
Not one soul will perish
who puts their trust in Me.
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