Posted by Kristen Alvanson at Friday, September 04, 2009
Lumpen Orientalism gathers the fragments of a lost civilization, the decaying parts of a breathing animal _ the Middle East. Named after a term suggested by China Miéville, Lumpen Orientalism captures an anomalous fascination with the Middle East and Asia in a similar way to the mongrel visions of Gilles Deleuze, H. P. Lovecraft, Gaëtan Clérambault and William Beckford in order to tackle this enigmatic monstrosity.
"This work I call Fresh pig's heart smashed with a mallet by an angry child."
Wow. I call it:
Exoskeleton of old spell for becoming sun
Mystic's forehead as canopic jar interior.
Thank you so much for sharing your work. Your images are deeply beautiful, with such a subtlety and evoking power. Like a dream made of light and sand...
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